
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

Post time to comments.

WOD Demo with CrossFit Los Gatos - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Compare to 4/29/10 and 120201.


  1. Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX:

    Big Dawgs:
    as rx’d

    women 1 pood KB

    The Porch:
    20 Handstand push-ups
    30 Pull-ups
    40 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
    50 Sit-ups
    60 Burpees

    women 1 pood KB

    20 Handstand push-up progressions
    25 Pull-ups
    30 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
    35 Sit-ups
    40 Burpees

    women 25# dumbbell or Kettlebell

    15 Handstand push-up progressions
    20 Beginner or assisted pull-ups
    25 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
    30 Sit-ups
    35 Burpees or squat thrusts

    Handstand push up progressions:

    A couple of other helpful hints:
    It would be not uncommon for a Big Dawgs to do this workout with unbroken sets. Keep that in mind when choosing your scaling!

    Handstand Push ups ROM requires that in the bottom position you touch your head to the floor and in the top position your elbows are extended and your shoulders are activated.
    Sit ups can be anchored or unanchored just make sure to note which you choose. What they cannot be is a crunch. The ROM for the sit up requires your shoulder blades to touch the ground and coming to a seated position. At RX the Big Dawg version requires the butt stay on the ground, feet unanchored and hands flat on the ground, arms not being used for momentum.
    Burpees when you bring your feet and prepare to jump it is a good idea to:
    a. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands
    b. rock back on your heels
    c. Extend your Thoracic and Lumbar regions (straighten your back)
    You will find if you do this that you are in something that approximates the bottom of the squat. It is much safer and more efficient to jump from that position than the usual position people find themselves in.

  2. Wanna run this but Bama plays Florida at 6 tonight. Any chance of busting this out in 30 minutes?

  3. This is a pretty quick one, Bo. Sub 20 for sure.

  4. That's how I run every WOD, Paul. I thought you knew that. I was thinking more about cutting out the cash in...

  5. time domain for this wod should be 15-20 min, so if you think you can't do rx in that time domain, pick porch or pack rep schemes. (my .02) i wouldn't skip the buy-in b/c you want to warm up....but you could possibly skip the cashout.

    in other news:

    my time was 14:25 rx
    met my goal of sub 15. yay!
    hspu 7-7-7-5-4 (games standard)
    pullups 20-10-10 (yippee!)
    kbs 25-15-10 (grip ouch!)
    situps unbroken
    burpees 20-15-15-10-10
    got to the burpees at 9:15

  6. I care about bama too much i guess. See yall wednesday!

  7. my body just ISN'T QUITE ready for the grind just yet after Sunday, however I am aiming for tomorrow night for sure!!

  8. 10:57 rx got to burpee 6 min slow burpees after the sit ups. the stoper was muscle burn.
