
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Eight rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 Double-unders
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
Rest 90 seconds

Brendan Clarke 17:44, Doug Armstrong 18:06. Post time to comments.

WOD Demo with CrossFit Rocks by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]

Compare to 120215.

LAST CHANCE!! To compete at the March of Dimes Throwdown this Saturday, register by midnight tonight.


  1. Big Dawgs
    as Rx’d

    Five rounds for time of:
    10 Burpees
    15 Jumping alternating lunges
    20 Double-unders
    25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
    Rest 90 seconds

    Five rounds for time of:
    5 Burpees
    10 Jumping alternating lunges
    15 Double-unders ***
    20 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
    Rest 90 seconds
    *** sub tuck jumps if you are unable to double under

    Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX.

  2. 2012 CF Games start tonight!!!
    We will do WOD1 on Thursday. Carport athletes that have registered so far are:
    Master Cat
    Paul Lell

    If you have registered already and your name is not on this list, be sure you have selected Carport CrossFit as your affiliate on your profile page. If you have not signed up, baby you got to do that NOW!!

  3. I am registered, but you made me worried since I wasn't in the list. I just checked and for some reason my affiliate wasn't listed. I should be listed now....will you check when you have time? Thanks!

  4. also, i just noticed and think it's funny that our two master competitors are nicknamed cats. :)

  5. Hey every one-please register for Rumpshaker if you can. The race is 3/31 at Sloss Furnace. This is a fun event and a chance to set a goal for a new PR! Please be sure to register under our team name which is Carport Crossfit. The total with chip timing is $25.00. We would like for all the members to sign up and run. We want a good showing this year. We need the registration by March 11th.

  6. Dave,

    I just registered with the team for the Rumpshaker.

  7. You kidding me on Games Wod 1 ?????

    Yay burpees.......

  8. 26:26, 5 rounds, the DU's killed me. 23 wallballs.

  9. 23.58
    MOD WOD 5 rounds
    burpees #10
    jumping lunges #15 (2 rounds), switched to sit-ups #25
    assisted squats #15
    shuttle sprint
    cash out - 2 min. kettlebell swings = 52

  10. 21:10

    1. 0:00-1:30 (1:30)
    2. 3:00-4:15 (1:15)
    3. 5:45-7:00 (1:15)
    4. 8:30-9:45 (1:15)
    5. 11:15-12:45 (1:30)
    6. 14:15-15:25 (1:10)
    7. 16:55-18.25 (1:30)
    8. 19:55-21:10 (1:15)
