
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Three rounds for reps of:
1 min Hang Power Cleans, 155#
1 min Box Jumps, 24"
1 min Front Squat, 155#
1 min Burpees
1 min Push Jerks, 155#
1 min Rest

Post rounds and reps to comments.


  1. All "dawgs" wod the same amount of time today. Weight and box jump scales are below.

    Big Dawgs - rx, women 115# 20" box jumps
    Pack - 115/75#, 20" box jumps
    Pups - 45#, 12" box jump
    Buttercups - 15-25#, 12" box jump

    as always work and place Mechanics first and foremost.

  2. might not be a big dawg today.

  3. this morning i texted amber to see if the rx women weight was a typo. turns out 115# is exactly what they intended to post....and i got skeered since i've never run 115# for an entire wod with 3 different movements.

    i went back and forth in my head b/t going for 115 or scaling to 105. but i decided to put my big girl britches on and i went rxd. i ain't gonna lie. it hurt. i was sucking wind like i haven't sucked wind in a long, long time. go heavy or go home, right?

    score 125
    hpc 6-6-6 = 18
    box jumps 18-16-14 = 48
    front squats 4-4-5 = 13
    burpees 12-12-11 = 35
    push jerks 4-3-4 = 11
    i tried to hit the same numbers as my first round. i held on for the most part.

  4. That...was...HARD! the barbell stuff especially. I tried to make as many points as u could on box jumps and burpees. here are my scores.
    Total 160

  5. Rd 1 - 15/20/10/15/5-(65)
    Rd 2 - 15/20/10/15/5-(65)
    Rd 3 - 10/15/5/10/5-(45)
    total 175rx

  6. Pack (115#)
    Rd 1 - 10/21/8/12/4
    Rd 2 - 8/14/5/10/4
    Rd 3 - 10/11/5/12/4
    Total: 138

  7. I did 45# (puppy bark). It certainly felt like plenty by the end.
    43/42/26/18/27 = 156
