Friday, November 2, 2018

FOOTBALL FRIDAY - Deadlifts and Double Unders OR “Linda”

5 rounds for time:

7 Deadlifts (315#/205#)
21 Double Unders

Post times to comments.

Compare to 9/23/11, 3/13/12, and 11/2/12.


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time.

Post time to comments. Compare to 8/13/09 and 8/12/10.


Carport Crossfit said...

LINDA scaled
Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX

Big Dawgs:
As RX’d

Either Scale the weight back
Drop the sets doing 10-8-6-4-2 with the rx’d weights.

Scale the weight back and drop the sets as shown above.

As RX’d

Either Scale the weight back
Drop the sets doing 10-8-6-4-2 with the rx’d weights.

Scale the weight back and drop the sets as shown above.

Also, if you are not comfortable with the exercises do the following buttercup workout:
3 rounds
Run 400 M
10 Deadlifts (use PVC -15 pounds)
10 Cleans (use PVC -15 pounds)

Check out this thread for an excellent discussion on power and scaling. Toward the end JDG discusses Linda.

Carport Crossfit said...

Big dawgs - Rx, women=205#

Porch - 275#, women=185#

Pack - 205#, women=155#

Pups - 155-185#, women=105-135#

If you are still learning to do double Unders, you can count your attempts or do lateral (side-to-side) hops over your bar.