Thursday, November 9, 2017

Bench Press and Air Squat

10 rounds: 30 sec Bench Press, 60 sec rest
Use load of your choice. Each round is scored by multiplying reps completed by weight used. Total of all 10 rounds will be used in final score.


10 rounds for average reps: 20 sec Air Squats, 10 sec rest

Final score = (total load)(average squats). Post total pounds lifted, average air squats completed, and final score to comments. 


Judy Ranelli said...

75# for 3 rounds, 30 reps, (10/10/10)
55# for 7 rounds, 81 reps, (14/13/11/11/11/10/11)
= 6705 x (100 squats/10) = 67,050

Unknown said...

Nobody can reject the info you have given in the blogs, this is actually a great work.