Tuesday, July 18, 2017

30 Minute Break

30 minute AMRAP
1000M Row or Run
90 Burpees
80 squats
70 sit-ups
60 push-ups
50 pull-ups
40 Russian KBS, 2/1.5
30 ball slams, 30/20
20 box jumps, 24/20
10 hspu

If you complete the chipper before 30 minutes is up, begin again. Each meter rowed = 1 rep. Post reps to comments. Compare to 12/1/14, 7/14/15, 8/1/16, and 11/23/16.


Judy Ranelli said...

1285, sub 90 cal row for the burpees.

Alex Dussaq said...

1300 Rx first day back in a month.

Amber said...

Mod WOD at home
Tiffany loop (10min) idk distance
90 burpees
80 sit-ups
62 push-ups