Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Box Jump / Pullup Ladder

With a continuously running clock do one box jump and pull-up the first minute, two box jumps and twopull-ups the second minute, three box jumps and three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you are unable to complete BOTH box jumps and pullups in the minute, you may continue with box jumps only, pullups only, or alternate between the two.

Ie. minutes 1-10 both, min 11 pullups, min 12 box jumps, min 13 pu, 10 bj. Score = 156

Time cap is 20 minutes. Post total reps to comments.


bill said...

14 complete rounds + 103=263 total

Then came the cash out...which for us guys caused so many man parts to hit the ground (as was so aptly pointed out by Cori) that it sounded like a multitude of #10 galvanized washers hitting a tin collection plate in a tent revival. I'm thinking guys in general just don't have the required schmatzo for cartwheels and summersaults. But it's always good for a laugh;o)

Cori said...

bill, you should write a book of your sayings and call it "bill-isms" :)
you crack me UP!

stacey said...

I heard the clatter of the man parts of the 5:15 class cash out as I arrived today. It was loud, but I think that by merely attempting the cartwheels they earned a few put back on!
6:00am class got to do pull ups..
9 complete rounds, 150 total... I didn't use band assist until I got busted after round 9. New PR for stacey-6 Pull ups, unbroken, unassisted by band! #canyoukipthis

bill said...

First class kipping Stacey! Always forward and onward to a new PR. Visual progress is a wonderful thing.

stacey said...

Here's a few guys with the "required schmatzo"...something to aspire to, or at least gawk at wonder how they don't puke at the end..


Eddie Allen said...

I have had some days and today is one of them!! My performance in the WOD was bad enough (176 points ouch) but then the, "Agony of Defeat", on the cartwheel "attempts". Coach...Please tell me you were not secretly filming them!?! What a blast this morning was!! Everyone have a great day.

bill said...

Sometimes I think Cori just needs a good belly laugh and adjusts the cash-out accordingly...I can understand that.

Anna P said...
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Amber said...

Well, if it's any consolation, CF Kids practiced cartwheels and somersaults, too. ;)

I am happy to report that after weeks and weeks of patiently waiting, I can finally box jump again!!! Woohoo!! I did 2x10 bounding box jumps @ 20", then 2x10 BBJ @24"!
WOD'ed w/CF kids: 3RFT
8 FS (95#)
8 pullups
8 burpees

Judy Ranelli said...

Sub burpees and ring rows, 8 then to 15 of ring rows.

Jennifer said...

I did a box jump tonight! Yay! Check that, I survived the whole WOD doing box jumps! Both through round 11 then alternated box jumps/ ring rows through round 20! Wahoo!

Cori said...

great job jennifer!

13 min both then finished out with box jumps for 301 reps! phew!

The Raulstons said...

Way to go Jennifer!!! That is great!
Cynthia- 10 complete rounds, 7 PUs on round 11, box jumps to the end, total 272
Jonathan - 8 complete rounds, one set of pus and the rest box jumps, total 194 (he thinks:) ).
That is a lot of box jumps!!!