
Saturday, August 10, 2013

World Wide WOD!!

World Wide WOD @ Carport CrossFit!
Today is the day! The WORLD WIDE WOD is here! The gym will open at 8:30 for Athlete Check-In. WODs start at 9:00. Spectators can WOD while the Competitors rest. We encourage you to come run one (or more!) of the World Wide WODs with us today. Tentative schedule for today is as follows:
Check-In, Warm-up 

WOD #1 - CF Games 2008 - Burbee Deadlift WOD
5 Rds  - 5 Dead-lift (275#/185#), 10 burpees
Masters RX 40-49: 255#/155#
Masters RX 50+ : 185#/115#
Scaled: 225#/115#
Masters Scaled 40+ : 155#/95#
Beginner: 135#/75#

Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 6 minutes  (AMRAP score if cutoff)
WOD #2 - CF Games 2009 -  Wallball / Snatch
3 RDS for time
30 Wall Balls 20#, 10’ target/14#, 9’ target
30 Snatches (no squat necessary) 75#/45#

Masters RX 40-49: 20 reps per each movement, same rounds and weight and target height
Masters RX 50+ : 20 reps per each movement, same rounds and weight, target is 9’ and 8’
Scaled : 20 reps per each movement, same rounds, 14# and 12# ball, 9’ and 8’ target
Masters Scaled 40+ : 20 reps per each movement, 2 rounds, 14# and 12# ball, 9’ and 8’ target
Beginner: 20 reps per movement, 2 rounds, 12# and 8# ball, 9’ and 8’ target
Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 10 Minutes (AMRAP score if cutoff)


WOD #3 - CF Games 2009 Pseudo Chipper Finale
15 Cleans (155#/95#),
30 toes to bar,
30 box jumps (24/20),
15/10 Chest to bar Pull-ups,
30 double unders,
15 thrusters (2-55#KB/2-35#KB),
30 burpees,
15 overhead stationary lunge steps, (45#/25# plate)

Masters RX 40-49 : Same through all movements except thrusters are 2-35#KB, and 2 – 18# KB
Masters RX 50+ : Cleans – 135#, Step-ups acceptable, Pull-ups are chin over bar, Thrusters = 1 KB (Swing) - 15 reps same weight
Scaled: Cleans – 95#/65#, 30 Sit-ups, Step ups acceptable, Jumping Pull-ups 30 both genders, 60 Single unders, Thrusters = 1 KB Swing, 35#/18# (or higher depending on box equipment) – 15 reps, 15 burpees, 15 stationary lunges -  25#/15# held overhead.
Masters Scaled 40+ : Cleans 95#/65#, 30 Sit-ups, Step-ups acceptable, 30 Jumping Pull-ups both genders, 60 single unders, Thrusters = 1 KB Swing 35#/18# - 15 reps, 15 burpees, 15 stationary OH lunge steps 25#/15# plate
Beginner : 15 Cleans – 65#/45#, 15 sit-ups, 15 box step ups, 15 jumping pull-ups, 30 single unders, 15 KB Swings 35#/18#, 15 burpees, 15 lunges (no weight).   
Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 18 Minutes (AMRAP Score if cutoff)

Competitor T-shirts: $12 (you can purchase them HERE from WODLife)
Contact: Amber at 205-527-3133 or
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 41 burpees!


  1. Good luck Oatie and Puma! (and anyone else who has recently signed up.)

  2. Congratulations to our competitors this morning! You all did great!
    Puma was in the Masters 50+ RX division, Oatie and Wes were Scaled. Here are their WOD times for each event.

    Puma - 5:20
    Wes - 5:36
    Oatie - 5:57

    Oatie - 111 reps
    Puma - 106 reps
    Wes - 90 reps

    Oatie - 8:28
    Wes - 10:26
    Puma - 165 reps

  3. Such a great job to everyone!!! Woo hoo!

  4. Y'all all did sooooo awesome today! SO much fun to watch all of you in action!

  5. Thank you to everyone who came out & cheered us on today! It was a blast :-)

  6. Ditto Oatie:

    Thanks very much to coaches and supporters. So glad to have participated in first competition WOD at the new Carport!
