
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

HSPU, L-pull-ups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
Handstand push-ups

Post time to comments. Compare to 090919.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed on Thursday, July 4th only. We will be open our normal hours the rest of the week.


  1. 45 rx 12.20
    way to go early a.m.ers - I saw some awesome HSPUs going on in there this morning! (I could hear them as well...nothing brings out the Maria like HSPUs ;0)

  2. Huge thnaks to Cori for the scaling and coaching tip on pistols. After almost falling on Sheena....which FREAKED me out....I moved to a corner where I could cause harm to no one and did 45 scaled in 19:21. I have to do something about my upper body strength. Great job to all the rx'ers this morning!!

  3. Great WOD this morning and good to see BK come to the 6 am class along with Ken.

    11:25 was my time. I might have done a few abbreviated Ls in there.

  4. 60 burpees down this morning - 39 to go.

  5. i'm not quite sure why you are doing 60 burpees today....are you going backwards or something?

    i haven't done the wod but i did my 2 burpee muscle ups!

  6. Actually I am doing the burpee challenge backwards to show Coach Drew I am not 'A' type personality but actually type 'Q'. 9 to go for 99 today.

  7. i know FO SHO you aren't type A because it doesn't bother you to position yourself askew in a jumping lane! :)

  8. Askews me?

    HA. 99 BTB! Done for the day. This could get bad. Sandy is doing the same thing and I can see now this will be a race each day to see who finishes the daily requirement first.

  9. Bill- I can't believe you are going backwards!

    That WOD was pretty miserable for me. It was basically skill work on HSPUs with some L pull-ups thrown in. And a little rolling out my back in the middle of the WOD because I did something funky hurling myself up and down that wall and letting someone know I was gonna be late because I took FOR-EVER. Anywho, started at 15 and went all the way down in 25:55.

  10. That. Was. Nasty! Ripped on my left hand on my round of 6 band pull ups = no bueno! See y'all Monday, be safe on the 4th everyone!!

  11. Tomorrows wod is "nancy"
    5 rounds for time of
    400m run
    15 ohs 95#m/65#f

  12. I rowed 1000 Baby meters, did 2 burpees and a whole lot of relaxing!

  13. Only million meter baby today over 25000m
    My pops rowed 5 min
    My mom rowed 10 min and complained for 8 of that:)

    We did a WOD with rowing Clara rowed 100m 5 trips up and down the stairs ,200m 4 , 300m 3, 400m 2, 500m 1
    13:50 Clara Jane has drive like no 7 year old I have ever seen. I am saying that because she is the favorite :)
    And that is her favorite saying.
