
Friday, May 3, 2013

10 minutes to complete:
10 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Pull-ups
10 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Ring Dips
10 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
10 Wallballs (20/14)

Rest 5 minutes. Repeat. Score is total time in seconds.
BONUS: Take one second off your time for each extra WB completed in the 10 min time frame.
PENALTY: Add one second to your time for each rep not completed in the 10 minute time frame.

Scoring example:
Round 1. Finish at 9:15 and get 15 extra WB - time is 9:00
Round 2. 3 reps not completed - time is 10:03
Final Score = 19:03 or 1143 seconds.

Saturday, May 11th - VOLUNTEER today!
CrossFit Montgomery is hosting the third annual Pound For Pound (A.K.A. #4#), a one-day fitness competition. Scoring and weights used in the workouts for advanced and intermediate athletes will be scaled based on the body weight of the athlete. We ask: Are you the fittest pound for pound?

Pound For Pound 2013 is powered by Wright Equipment. This year's event is a fundraiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF). The event is free and open to spectators; however, monetary donations for SOWF will be encouraged at the event.

More information is available on their website:


  1. Mathletes get ready!!! The new clock counts down from 10:00.
    Rd1: finished with 1:20 left on the clock. Then did 16WBs. 10:00-1:36 = 8:24

    Rd2: finished at 1:54 and got 21 WBs. 10:00-2:15 = 7:45

    Total time: 8:24+7:45 = 16:09

  2. I am certain you did a great job, but I think it is too early for me and mathletics. I am gonna need some help figurin' this evening:)

  3. Hey's a new category for you - Shaaaazaaaayam! Half way through that second round I thought I might beat my 1st round time then all of a sudden my get up and go got up and walked right out the door and I'll be dingwallied if I didn't feel that mysterious hand on my back again pushing me back to the kettle bell.
    1st round 8.17 - 15 bonus points = 8.02
    2nd round 10.00 - 1 bonus point = 9.59
    Total seconds = 18.01 or 1081 seconds

  4. Whew, I agree. Its too early on a Friday to even comprehend this WOD! double chalkboards, here I come...again! Mathlete, I am not!

  5. more squats?!?!?! Come on now coach!! Yea this one is not for the faint of heart (or brain, lol).

  6. No worries Oatie, if Cori is there she'll do your mathleticism for you...she's nice that way.

  7. After much mathematical debate my times were 9:15/9:58= 19:13 total
    Thanks Drew!

  8. good WOD this morning..

    1st round-finished 4:07 left and 55 WBs

    2nd rd-finished about 3 minutes left and did 37 WBs

    Must admit the 2nd round almost had Mr. Pukie appear.

    overall little over 11 minutes and then a 1 mile run with Shhhhhheena.

  9. round 1: 9:47
    round 2: 8:52
    score: 18:39

    1 mile with shhhhhhane: 8:46

  10. That was crazy tough!! Bill luckily Cori did take on my mathlete roll for me, lol. NO MORE SQUATS COACH :-)

  11. Holy sore legs. Happy to have survived this and even get through a few bonus wallballs (15 rd 1 and 7 rd 2). I was moving slower than molasses.

  12. That was a really tough WOD for me. I was glad when it was over:) 10 bonus WB 1st round & 2 the 2nd. Purple band on ring dips.

  13. Great WOD to end the week! Struggled big time w/ ring dips. They left me and walked right out the door w/o me telling them it was ok. Ha. Next time suckers!
