
Monday, April 22, 2013

Wallball, DU

5 rounds for total wallball reps:
90 sec to complete 50 DU and as many Wallball shots (20/14) as possible.
45 sec Rest

Post total Wallball shots to comments.

"Christmas Abbott: Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel", HBO Sports.


  1. Rx 67
    Rd1 - 50ub, 21
    Rd2 - 10
    Rd3 - 50ub, 22
    Rd4 - 3
    Rd5 - 11

    Cashout: 15 TTB, 16 burpees, 18 TTB

  2. Let me put it this way...This was a good double under practice day for me. I'll just leave it at that ;0)

  3. I reran it with Drew and used a lighter scale. At rd 2 I switched to 30 DU and 10# WB.

    Rd1: (Rx) 9
    Rd2: 30 UB DU, 27 WB
    Rd3: 25/5 DU, 25 WB
    Rd4: 8/22 DU, 28 WB
    Rd5: 30 UB DU, 31 WB

    Score: 120

  4. 88 RX score for me. All the cash out exercises were bad but did 25 burpees.

    Also knocked out another 1.5 miles at the end on a run. Thanks Sheena!

  5. I have to get DU's or I feel left out in the cold on workouts such as this. Coach said something today about an activity called "practice" that may help!! Five whole wallballs as I only hit 150 twice.

  6. This is going to be quite the rude welcome back to the Carport tonight! I've missed y'all though. See you tonight!

  7. wod for tomorrow:

    OHS 5x5, heaviest possible
    5 min AMRAP of:
    10 OHS (75% of 5rep max)
    5 c2b pull-ups

  8. Pack. 30 DU attempts, 10# wallball
    Total- 56
    Put in an extra 400 m run/ walk after the cash out.
