
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

15 min AMRAP of:
5 snatch-grip deadlift (135/95 or 90%1RM snatch)
5 snatch-grip high pulls from high hang
20 snatch grip jumping junges
30 lateral hops over your bar

Big focus on technique today! Keep the barbell in good position on the DL's and high pulls. Jumping lunges are performed with hands on the barbell (barbell stays on the ground); trailing knee touches the ground. Post time to comments.

These videos demonstrate high pulls using a narrow grip. We will do high pulls with a wider, snatch-grip today.
• Sumo Dead Lift High Pull [wmv][mov]
• High Pull, Level II Seminar [wmv][mov]
• Core to Extremity Violation, Pat Sherwood [wmv][mov]


  1. lovin this wod! what awesome skills movements and mobility!

  2. hey ya'll! guess what!? i tied for 3rd on saturday, so i made the podium afterall! yay!!!!

  3. Pretty sure the Games website has crashed...

  4. wod 12.2 is on fb
    it's the following
    10 min snatch ladder
    30 reps @ 75#M/45#F
    30 reps @ 135#M/75#F
    30 reps @(not sure of M weight)/100#F
    Max Reps 210#M/120#F

    oooooo-eeeeee!!! game changer FOR SURE!

  5. CONGRATS COACH CORI!!!! Way to represent the Carport and kick some WOD!!!!

  6. Way to go Coach Cori! We knew that! If the officials had made an A in linear algebra they would have come up with right answer first time.
