
Monday, January 16, 2012


For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed. Miranda Oldroyd 2:13 (95lbs), Christopher Stowe 2:44, Rebecca Voigt 2:46 (95lbs), Mary Lampas 3:26 (95lbs), Kristan Clever 18:51 (135lbs). Post time and load to comments.

Snatch Instructions

WOD Demo with Miranda, Chris and Mary - video [wmv] [mov]

The 2010 CrossFit Games "Awesome" commercial by CrossFit Again Faster - video [wmv] [mov]

Compare to 3/7/11 and 7/30/10.


  1. Today everyone do the WOD as rx’d or scaled as Coach recommends. If you are unfamiliar with this lift your weight is zero. Use a pvc or broomstick. Your ego may hate us today, your back will thank us later. ;)

    Courtesy of BrandX

  2. 4:18 Rx. Should've been sub 3:00

  3. One fine day I will get the snatch!
    Off to the Virgin Islands for my first 50 mile race! Woo!

  4. How many pieces of Double Bubble can you put in your mouth???
    Autumn - 17
    Clara - 10
    Brooke - 8

  5. 3:35, 75# - chose to go light b/c of tweaky shoulder
    48 squat cleans (48•75=3600)

    Bonus work explanation:
    Drew set the clock for 10 minutes. We did Isabel. Then with the remaining time, we got as many squat cleans as we could. Score was reps times weight.

  6. 45 lbs, 3:41 HPS + 32 squat cleans.

  7. Rachel-Good luck on the race! Post your time and details as soon as you can!

    Hill Girls- I want in on the gum WOD!

  8. Thanks Dave! I will, I will! I'm totally scared because I haven't recovered from Harbison 50K that was on 1/7. That race tore up my tendons! I've been trying to take care of myself-we'll see! I will have to post some pictures if I can or at least email them to Amber.

  9. 3:49 squat with 135 31 squat cleans am
    1:55 power with 95 72 squat cleans

    set the clock for 10 minutes. We did Isabel. Then with the remaining time, we got as many squat cleans as we could. Score was reps times weight.

  10. 1:30 I think. only ran 65# to stay off calf's then ran squat cleans of 65 reps in remaining 8:30 sec
