
Monday, November 14, 2011

WOD#1 -Fitness Fest Competition next Sunday

For time:
150M Run
40 Thrusters, 75#/55# (4 burpee penalty each time you set the bar down)
80ft OHWL, 45# plate/25# plate (4 burpee penalty each time you set the plate down)
40 KB swings, 1.5 pd/1 pd (4 burpee penalty each time you set the bell down)
Firemans carry with the kettlebell. KB must be held below the waist. 4 burpee penalty each time you set it down.
40 KB SDHP (4 burpee penalty each time you set the kb down)
150M Run

Post time to comments.

The Ruben Studdard Celebration Weekend is a half-marathon and 5k race event that Sunday as well. This is a great way for us to expose Crossfit to the running community here in Birmingham as well as a chance for you to gain experience in the a Crossfit Competition setting with 2 WODs.
~ Luan Nguyen

To register simply click on this link:
*On Saturday, each athlete will be wearing a chip timer to establish your time from start to finish.



  2. this morning, we went ahead and ran 200m instead of 150m. (consider it bonus fitness) the morning class did great!

    10:35 rx w/ 200m run

    i ran the wod by my lonesome after everyone left this morning.
    completely underestimated the thrusters....they took FOREVER but i did not set the bar down. i was shooting for 20-10-10 but it was more like 16-4-5-3-2-5-5. the rest of the movements were unbroken. and i did not have any penalties.

    i expect we'll see 8's, possibly 7's today at the carport. i think the key to this wod is probably plowing through the thrusters to get ahead of everyone.

    awesome video!

  3. Question...I don't need to do any squatting until my hip pain in my left resolves itself, which it seems to be doing when I stay away from any load...what can I do to replace the thrusters? I desperately need to do a wod-Tough Mudder is only 20 days away!!

  4. i feel like this wod is a lot of explosive hip movements involving the squat or partial squat(thrusters, kbs, sdhp), so even though you don't FEEL pain doesn't mean you aren't aggravating the area that is giving you problems.

    in my opinion, i would do an alternate wod that involves upper body only. you aren't going to lose fitness over the course of a week, and it would be better in the long run to let whatever is ailing you heal instead of pushing through. you could potentially put yourself out of tough mudder, or out of running for an extended period of time.

    but just my .02 and it doesnt mean i heed my own advive at times. :/ im working on it, though.

    if you agree, we can come up w/ something.

  5. Thanks Cori. I think I should sit it out then. :( Does that mean I should just come to open gym then?

    I did do my 1/2 trail marathon yesterday also. I placed first in my age group and beat my previous year's time by 4 minutes. It is also the second 1/2 I've ever done.

  6. Anyone else still sore from Bradshaw? Feeling like an old man, no offense Old Man.

  7. congrats rachel! i personally think you should rest because you did a race yesterday, and 13.1 miles at that!

    REST IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you decide to not rest, then you can come to class and we can sub different movements but have the same rep scheme.

    paul, i was pretty whooped on sat and sun! today i'm whooped from something i did yesterday at the railroad park.

  8. hmmm. I guess I will rest and see what I can do at open gym. I am somewhat sore and I have a 20 mile race next week too! Thanks for the advice.

    Oh Cori, ran into Jackie and Robin from CrossFit Rebellion last night. They were seeing My Fair Lady too! I told them I would say hi. They said they plan to come to Carport this week!

  9. Awesome time on the WOD Cori..10:35! Great job!
    The key to this WOD for me was to finish and still be able to breath....killer cardio for me even at an old man time of 12:37.

  10. 19:56 RX. Happy with that.

  11. 9min with 5:30
    sub 9 with 6:30 no burpees
