
Friday, September 23, 2011


Complete 5 rounds for time:
7 Deadlifts 315 lbs
21 Double Unders

Post times to comments.


  1. Big dawgs - Rx, women=205#

    Porch - 275#, women=185#

    Pack - 205#, women=155#

    Pups - 155-185#, women=105-135#

    If you are still learning to do double Unders, you can count your attempts or do lateral (side-to-side) hops over your bar.

  2. at one time in my D.U. life i whould have jumped allover some (side-to-side) hops over your bar.

  3. 10:57 and i did rx! yay! it's the first time ever doing anything over 185# in a wod. du's were unbroken except for a trip up in round 1. dl's were like this:
    rd1: 5/2
    rd2: 4/3
    rd3: 4/3
    rd4: 3/2/2
    rd5: 2/2/3

    dave got 2 rounds of unbroken du's tonight! judy was tearing it up with 155#! and libby was a double under fool PR'ing her single-single-doubles with 10!

    it was a good night at the carport!
