
Friday, August 12, 2011

EVENT 10 - Final Chipper

For time:
20 calorie Row 

30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball

20 Toes to bar

30 Box jumps, 24" box

20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 2 pood kettlebell

30 Burpees

20 Shoulder to overhead, 115 pounds
30 Barbell Bent-over Rows, 115 pounds
**Staggered start with lowest place finisher's starting first.

Post time to comments.

Games Vault: Womens End 1, End 2 and End 3, Heat 2 - video [wmv] [mov]


  1. Big Dawgs:
    as Rx’d

    Women - 14# Wallball/54# Kettlebell/75# barbell

    20 calorie Row
    30 Wallball Shots, 14 pound ball
    20 Toes to bar
    30 Box jumps, 20” box
    20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 54 pound kettlebell
    30 Burpees
    20 Shoulder to overhead, 75 pounds
    30 Barbell Bent-over Rows, 75 pounds

    Women - 10-12# Wallball/35# Kettlebell/55# barbell

    10 calorie Row
    20 Wallball Shots, 6-10 pound ball
    10 Toes to bar
    20 Box jumps, 12-15” box
    10 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 12-26 pound kettlebell
    20 Burpees
    10 Shoulder to overhead, 15-25 pounds
    20 Barbell Bent-over rows, 15-25 pounds

  2. i mean really, this is sick!

    surely if he can do that, i can do one measely muscle up!?

  3. 22:56
    95# Barbell
    20# Wallball
    24" Box
    1.5 Pood KB

  4. That is amazing Cori!! I saw one from 96, Yuri Chechi, But the dismount from your video takes the cake for sure. Who wants to try that?

  5. dang! i should've gone a little bit faster and i could've beaten kelly twice in one week! :)

  6. U were so close cori but not quite there. Hee hee. Headed
    Out for 5 or so mile run

  7. Maybe you'll want to place a twitter button to your site. I just marked down the article, although I must make it manually. Just my $.02 :)

    My blog:
    DSL Anbieter
