
Monday, August 8, 2011

EVENT 6 - "Dog Sled"

For time:
Three rounds of
30 Double-unders
95 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
then, Three rounds of
10 Handstand push-ups
40 foot Overhead Walking Lunge, 45# plate

Post time to comments.

"Annie Sakamoto, 2011 Spirit of the Games Award Winner" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov - Download only]


  1. Big Dawgs - Rx
    Women - 65# OHS, 25# OHWL

    Pack -
    Three rounds of
    30 Double-unders
    65 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
    then, Three rounds of
    10 HSPUs (or HSPU progressions)
    40 foot Overhead Walking Lunge, 25# plate

    Women - 45# OHS, 15# OHWL

    Pups -
    Three rounds of
    30 Double-under attempts
    45 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
    then, Three rounds of
    10 HSPUs (or HSPU progressions)
    40 foot Overhead Walking Lunge, 15# plate

    Women - 10-25# OHS, PVC-10# OHWL

  2. 13:47 - 95#OHS, 25#OHWL

    HSPU were tough. We did them "games style" - hands on plates, head to abmat. Usually i can do 10 kipping in a row but today I had to break them up - a lot. ;)
    It was fun to go heavier on the OHS. Once I got the weight overhead, I was able to do them unbroken! I always feel good when I do something I didnt know I could do. I♥CF!

  3. 14:47 65# OHS, 25# OHWL

    i still can't beat amber even doing less weight! haha!

    strengths: ohs were unbroken. hspu were in sets of 5, which i was surprised i could do with the games style version. yay!

    weaknesses: DOUBLE UNDERS! UGH! they just suck the air right out of me. i had the deep lung burn going for about 20 minutes after this wod. i need some du help.

    thanks to amber for staying while i did this wod! i wouldn't have pushed as hard had i been alone.

  4. I thought you would beat me, too!!

    I wonder how 100 for 100 is going to affect The Puma on today's wod....

  5. 13:30 with some extra cushion under the head on HSPU

  6. 11:49 #135 OHS
    HSPU was a long time coming
    the last round took over 3 mins
