
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ten rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 dips

Post time to comments.
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
- Mario Andretti (Italian-born American car racer)


  1. Big Dawgs: 225 / 185, ring dips
    Porch: 205 / 155, ring or bar dips
    Pack: 185 / 135, bar dips
    Pups: 135 / 95, bar or box dips

    DL: Your back position is more important than your pack position. What is the heaviest weight listed that you can move well?

    Dips: Do the most advanced dip you can do with proper form and range of motion. Rings, Bar, Box, with or without bands - get full r.o.m.

  2. Go Brooke. Looks just like my jumps

  3. subbed hang power cleans @ 75# for deadlifts b/c of my lower back.
    rounds 1-4 ring dips with diminishing rom towards the end. i tried to touch bicep to top of ring each time.
    rounds 5-6 started using skinny purple band.
    rounds 7-10 switched to thicker purple band.
    total time: less than 40 but more than 35
    i definitely got to work on my ring dips today!

  4. 29:35
    165# - Bar Dips with purple Band

  5. games event 1...yikes!

    For time:
    210-meter ocean swim
    Run 1500m in soft-sand
    50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
    100 hand release push-ups
    200 Squats
    Run 1500m in soft-sand

  6. Ocean Swim - cool! That's my kind of event.

  7. Z rx ring dips 12:36

  8. Beach min Murph! Looks like fun!

  9. Event 2: Max L-sit for time (1 attempt)
    Max distancesoftball throw (2 attempts)
    Max distance handstand walk (1 attempt)

    Event 3: 1 rep max weighted chest-to-bar pull-up for load (2 minutes)
    1 rep max snatch for load (2 minutes)
    2 weighted water jugs carry for distance in 60 seconds

  10. I'm liking the programming so far. Varied and functional for sure!

    A lot of people on facebook or games site were complaining that swimming was "technical" and not a good test of fitness. (Not sure if they've read crossfit's definition in 100 words, apparently not cause it includes "Swim") Handstand walks are way more technical than swimming.

  11. I love the softball throw for a skills challenge.

  12. Edit: Events 2 and 5, not 3.

  13. I ♥ the Games wods!
    Those are some fun events - totally new and totally different from any "normal" wod. Events 2 & 5 are like feats of strength and very similar to some of the cash-outs Cori makes up. :)

  14. People (those that choose to comment on posts) sure get upset when something besides "typical" workouts show up. Have they forgotten about "broad time and modal domains"?

  15. 28:54 ring dips

    Kelly ran that one like he was going to the games! Oh wait... he IS going to the Games!

  16. 18:15 185# smart move Drew. i think i used my back a little too much. need to practice more.

    and on to the games. i'll send pics to post

  17. i won the money for the sub 10. but had to pay it back to cover the cost of R.O.M

    it was all I could do to stay in front of our 7 year old

  18. Nice Jump!! My daughter loves to play in the trampoline most of the time.
