
Monday, April 4, 2011

Box Jump Ladder

With a continuously running clock do one box jump the first minute, two box jumps the second minute, three box jumps the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Post number of minutes completed to comments.

Rope Climbs - try different foot holds. If you cannot climb to the top, see how far you CAN go. If you are stuck at the bottom, grab that rope and see how long you can hold on! (having a good foot lock will help)


  1. Is this a "Box Jump Ladder", or is it a "Box jump plus another movement until round 5 ladder" that usually happens when a ladder is programmed? If it's the latter ladder (haha), then let me know so I can relay the message to the morning crew.

  2. cori i am going to do burpee box jumps for the first 10 mins

  3. or you could do 100 burpee box jumps for time x 2! :)

  4. 17 rounds on the 20" box. i should've tried for 18, but i was so winded, i just couldn't do it. i did mostly "bounding" jump up/jump down instead of step downs. i figured out that technique, which was nice. but i also missed the box a couple of times, which was not nice.

    sam jumped on the 24" box today for the entire wod for the first time! yay sam!!!

  5. 20 rds (burpee box jumps first 10)

  6. 17 +15, on the 16"(Dan's guess) step.
    Then 2000m row. Then wait out monsoon with hailstorm.
    Then come home, start calling outside for one of my cats to come in out of the storm...worried... worried... finally she appears -out from under a sofa.

  7. gotta love cats! :) glad she's ok!

    my 2nd go at this wod was 18 rounds plus 11 box jumps

    the 6:30 p.m. class did great and really pushed! awesome job dan, judy, karl and scott!

  8. 19&some the first time rest 10 mins and made 19 & someless 2ndtime
