
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Complete 5 rounds:
Run 400 meters
Clean 15 reps
20 Push-ups

Post time to comments.


  1. If u are running the open games WOD u should make this up SAT.

  2. good wod. going to rest these old bones today. calves, shoulders, back all pretty worn out.

  3. I haven't decided if I am going to do the WOD or not tonight. I am 'content' with my games WOD from last week. In other words, I believe I gave it my best effort.

    On another topic, my left knee and right ankle are telling me that I should stop running for awhile so I will need to sub rowing instead.

  4. 31:37
    55# squat cleans
    first 400 was 2:05 (yay me!)
    2nd and 3rd 400 were sub 2:!5 (yay me again!)
    and then......i tanked on rounds 4 and 5. but a wise person once told me that progress is perfection! :)

  5. Did a 5 mile run at the Trak Shak. 38:58.

  6. 19:59 75# hanging squat clean rowed 500M a round all sub 2min
