Thursday, August 27, 2020

10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift

 10-8-6-4-2 reps DL for total load


2 x 5min AMRAPs with 3 min rest between AMRAPs
Min 1 - 2 burpees, ME DB Box Step-ups
Min 2 - 4 burpees, ME DB Box Step-ups
Min 3 - 6 burpees, ME DB Box Step-ups
Min 4 - 8 burpees, ME DB Box Step-ups
Min 5 - 10 burpees, ME DB Box Step-ups

Men use 24” box and one 50#DB. Women use a 20” box and one 35#DB. You may hold the dumbbell in any position but not rest it on the leg. So you may hold it by your side, front rack, behind your neck, etc. For full movement standards see the scorecard for Open Workout 19.3. Score = load x total reps including burpees. Compare to 5/17/18.

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