Monday, April 1, 2019

Shoulder to Overhead x 3

15 minutes to establish 3-3-3-3-3 Shoulder to Overhead for average load


3 rounds of
90 sec ME Row for calories
30 sec rest
90 sec ME DB Snatch (weight of your choice, 10-rep minimum each round)
30 sec rest

If you change DB's during the WOD, use the lightest DB as your multiplier when calculating your final score. If you do not complete at least 10 reps of DB Snatch each round, your score for that set of DB Snatch is ZERO. Final score is (avg S2O load + calories + reps)(#dumbbell).
Post average Shoulder-to-overhead load, calories, reps, dumbbell#, and final score to comments. Compare to 5/9/17 and 4/6/18

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