Monday, October 1, 2018

Hang Squat Clean, 1 mile Run, Pullups

For total pounds lifted. You choose your weight. You may change weights as needed.
0:00-1:00 ME hang squat clean 
1:00-3:00 Rest 
3:00-4:00 ME hang squat clean 
4:00-6:00 Rest 
6:00-7:00 ME hang squat clean 
7:00-9:00 Rest 
9:00-10:00 ME hang squat clean 
10:00-12:00 Rest 
12:00-13:00 ME hang squat clean 


For time in seconds 
Run 1 mile 
50 pull-ups 

To calculate pounds lifted, multiply the load by total reps performed at that weight. Add all five rounds together to get total #lifted. Score is (total#lifted)/(seconds). Post pounds lifted, time, and score to comments. Compare to 10/3/16.

1 comment:

Judy Ranelli said...

HSC @45#, 13/17/15/15/15 = 3375
2000m row, big blue band pullups w/Drew assist, 17 minutes = 1020 seconds
3375/1020 = 3.30