Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Remembrance of 9.11.01

For time:
2001 meter Run (1 mile + 400M)
11 reps Deadlift, 135/95
11 reps Power Clean, 135/95
11 reps Front Squat, 135/95
11 reps Push Jerk, 135/95
11 reps Back Squat, 135/95
11 Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pullups
11 Handstand Pushups
11 Box Jumps, 30"/24"
11 Pullup-Toes-to-Bar

Post time to comments.


Dave said...

Written 8 hours ago by Ellen Hawley

I am happy to report another good day for Brad. His breathing was very consistent today. He "stood up" twice, with the aid of the physical therapists, and he went for a very short ride in a wheelchair. He wanted to get out of his room, so we found a wheelchair and and oxygen tank and loaded him up. We made it around the short corner of the neuro ICU into the cardiac ICU. Brad waived to everyone we passed. We probably made it 40' before he started hurting. We turned around and got back to the room as quickly as we could. Even though we didn't make it very far, getting out of his room was a big step.

Dr. Nguyen dropped by today to try to feed Brad some chocolate pudding. He swallowed one small bite, but choked on the others. He is not ready for food. They are going to remove the feeding tube from his nose tomorrow and put a feeding tube in his stomach. Though I am not real excited about this, Brad is ready to have the tube out of his nose. I think it will also be less scary for the kids, when we decide it is okay to bring them to see Brad. He is ready to see them. Marlen's teacher said that she often goes to Brad's picture on the wall at school and kisses it. At 16 months, I didn't really think she knew what was going on, but she obviously misses her dad, and Webb does too.

I am still optimistic that we will get out of the ICU in the next few days. I have been saying that for several days now, but we are getting closer.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and words of encouragement. They are really getting us through this tough time.

bill said...

Thanks Dave! A very good report.

Remembering 09.11.01 - the great sacrifices made across the board and the men and women who continue to stand in the gap for us daily here and around the world..several of whom are a part of Carport. We are grateful.

bill said...

95lbs - everything else RX

I was shooting for @ 24.00 not really knowing how long this would take so I'm a happy camper. In fact...(I can't believe I'm saying this) it wasn't as tough as anticipated. I may even go so far as to say...it was interesting.

bill said...

Almost forgot - 23.05

stacey said...

What a difference a day makes! After a complete meltdown yesterday today I can honestly say I felt like superwoman! Forgive the length of this post but just gotta get it out there...
Perhaps I had an "extra" kick from the motivation of 9/11 memories. As an Former (but never "ex") NY-er, I can still remember how angry and helpless I felt watching the events of the day. I was so mad I picked up the phone, called the Air Force recruiter and tried to get back in, but due to my health issues, they wouldn't take me back. Anger properly channeled can be a useful thing.
Here is an article I wrote about my first visit to ground zero. I thought I'd share it with you all today. http://southgeek.blogspot.com/2011/01/in-memoriam.html

Today's WOD helped me feel strong. I was proud of all of us being strong today. I came to the 6am class early so I could watch everyone working so hard. Strength is good medicine for helplessness.

As for my specific performance I was particularly proud of a few of things.
1. I did the 24" box jumps.
2. Chest to bar burpee pullups with no band support.
3. At the 1 mile mark I checked my watch. 7:10

My total time was 21:35 with 45# on the barbell.

I cashed out by challenging myself to get a back rack, bar bell lift. I am proud to report that the thing that caused the meltdown yesterday, has been conquered! I will be ready to add some weight next time.

Today I will be thinking about all folks in NYC, and the troops deployed throughout the world. They gave me the inspiration to work just a little bit harder!

Oatie said...

great read Stacey! I commented on it....

stacey said...

Thanks Oatie! typo--As "A" former, not AN former..sheesh!

Anna P said...

21:47, 50# and several other modifications along the way - Great workout in remembrance of such a terrifying yet unifying day in American history.

And, special thanks to Cori, for coming over to walk me through going from the push-jerk to back rack for the back squats. I was so sore from yesterday and just couldn't wrap my head around how to get it done.

Jennifer said...

I have a meeting tonight and hate that I am going to miss doing this small act of rememberance and gratitute for those who gave their lives on 9/11 and in the days thereafter and the many brave men and women who keep us safe everyday so that we may live lives of privilege. For them (and especially John), I am forever grateful and thankful.

Sandy said...

Way to go,Stacey!!!

Cori said...

Yall shouldve seen stacey on that 24" box!!! It was awesome!
For those that cant come tonight, u can make it up sat...im sure there will be a group of ppl that want to do it.

Anna P said...

Stacey - how did I miss 24" box jumps in your write up? That is awesome! I considered trying them today but chickened out.

stacey said...

Thanks Cori/Sandy/Anna...All...
Anna, You probably missed it cuz my write up was so danged long!
But,when you are ready try the 24" boxes, my recommendation is to use the gray ones... They are tapered and "look" smaller and not as intimidating. That's my theory anyway.
Thanks all!

bill said...

Way to slay those jumpbox demons Stacey!

The Raulstons said...

Way to go Stacey! It is great to feel accomplished:) Liked your write up too.
Good job to everyone completing today's WOD. I am sorry I can't make it today, but I am remembering all those who lost their lives 11 years ago and continue today because of that senseless violence. Thankful for all those protecting us from harm.

Amber said...

CFKids did a 9.11.01 remembrance WOD also!
2001M team row. Then 1 minute of each:
Ball slams
Lateral hops over ball
Ring rows
Jump ropes

They earned 1 point for every 11 reps they completed at each station.

Cori said...

18:49 rx finished run in 9:53
Dl unbrpken
Pc 6/5
Fs unbroken
Jerks 6/5
Bs unbroken
burpee pu unbroken
Hspu 6/5
Box jump unbroken
Pu/ttb 6/5

Judy Ranelli said...

1 mile 8:40, pretty good with a bum knee; I ran out of steam(will?)after seeing the clock.
65 lbs, situps instead of box jumps, banded pullups, and the first donkey kick up into a handstand position I've ever done...