
Monday, October 9, 2017

GHD, burpee, RKBS, squat

4 rounds
Every 5 minutes perform 30sec max reps GHD medball-to-box sit-ups. (Perform GHD sit-ups holding a medball, load of your choice. A 24"box will be set up behind the GHD. Touch the medball to the box, sit-up to touch the medball to your feet.) Score each round by multiplying weight if the ball times reps completed. Final score is the average of all four rounds.


10min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Russian KBS, 1.5/1pd
15 Goblet Squats, 1.5/1pd

Post GHD score and total reps to comments. 

1 comment:

  1. The wod was fun. I averaged 120
    (6x15, 10x13, 10x13, 10x13)
    I did 190 reps on the AMRAP. It was 6 rounds, 5 burpees, 5 KBS
