
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

World Wide WOD - WOD2

CF Games 2009

3 Rounds for time
30 Wall Balls, men=20#,10ft/w=14#,9ft
30 Snatches (no squat necessary), men=75#/women=45#

Masters RX 40-49: 20 reps per each movement, same rounds and weight and target height
Masters RX 50+ : 20 reps per each movement, same rounds and weight, target is 9’ and 8’
Scaled : 20 reps per each movement, same rounds, 14# and 12# ball, 9’ and 8’ target
Masters Scaled 40+ : 20 reps per each movement, 2 rounds, 14# and 12# ball, 9’ and 8’ target
Beginner: 20 reps per movement, 2 rounds, 12# and 8# ball, 9’ and 8’ target

10 minute time cap for all divisions. Post time to comments.

Movement Standards:
Wall Ball – Start by grabbing ball and coming to standing position, then into a full squat with crease of hip below the knee (beginner – the bottom of the glute, must be below the top of the knee). Hit the target that represents the proper height for your division. You do NOT have to catch the ball for a rep to count, but if you let it drop. It must come to complete rest on the ground (you can facilitate it by putting a foot or hand on it), pick it back up to a full standing position, then squat and start the next rep. Missing the target for any reason is a no rep (thus throwing it over the target completely would be a no rep).

Snatch – The barbell loaded with 75# and 45# for all divisions. Rep counts vary. The 75# barbell must come from the ground to overhead in one movement, 45# bars will start from the GROUND for the first rep at the start of a round, or after setting the bar down, and from just below the knee for every consecutive rep. A press out is allowed from above the head for all divisions. No press-out from the top of the head or below for any division. Beginners – you will get an AMRAP score if you cannot complete this WOD in 10 minutes, therefore if you struggle with the snatch, rest, wait, and attempt. All snatch techniques are valid. Muscle, Power, Split, Squat. For the RX Division, the athletes ear must show in front of the arm (some of it, slightly show), all other divisions it is acceptable to not see the ear, as long as none of the ear is visible behind the athletes arm. Can only drop the barbell from the waist or below.

BURPEES-TO-BABY: 31 burpees!

World Wide WOD @ Carport CrossFit!
Join thousands of other competitors around the country for a ONE DAY, THREE WOD blowout! Compete in one of the three divisions to fit any athlete. August 10th, just two weeks after the CrossFit Games are over, you will want to jump into this Garage Games Event! Now is your chance to “Be The 1″ for you to take the stage, for you to shine. If you are a beginner… no problem. A Scaled competitor… no problem. An RX Beast, we got you covered. A Master at either RX or scaled levels… yep, you are in.

Individual: $50
Event Date: August 10th
Workouts: View them HERE
Divisions: RX, Scaled, Beginner, Masters 40-49 RX, Masters 50 RX, Masters 40 Scaled
Teams: No
Check-in: 8:00am
Start-Time: 9:00am
Reg. Ends: 2013-08-07
Competitor T-shirts: $12 (you can purchase them HERE from WODLife)


  1. ran out of gas on this one-completed 2 rds plus 34. finished the final 26 snatches by 12:34.

    did my 31 burpess

  2. Worth your time to read and adopt these habits. How many do you have? I could stand some improvement!!

  3. Im taking tonight off. See y'all tomorrow!

  4. Puma, very good read indeed!

  5. All I can say about today is go Eddie go :)

  6. Masters rx, 100 reps at 10:00; finished the 20 snatches at 12:42.

    This was a surprisingly hard WOD.
