
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Open Gym 9-11am

HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed on Thursday, July 4th only. We will be open our normal hours the rest of the week.

BURPEE-TO-BABY CHALLENGE begins Monday, July 1st!!


  1. Finally got BINGO!
    Ran 1/4 Murph for "I" to buy-in then ran Air Force in 8:36. OHS weren't very steady, but I finished them. Did thrusters and sdhp UB in the first two minutes then broke up PJ by 10s so I would have air for OHS. Spread those out over 3 minutes then started FS. Burpees suck wind for sure!

  2. Rowed 19% down
    Work with Ivan (a boy mark pugh is showing the love of Christ). And he doesn't speak English wow
    Emom for 15 min. 1 PC 1 HSC 1PJ@195#
