
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Open Gym 9-11am

8am - CHRISTFIT SMALL GROUP - Meet at the ChristFit building in Woodlawn anytime between 8 and 11am. We will be moving everything out of the building to prep the floor for staining. We will also remove the bars from the 2 front windows, the exterior light fixture off the back right corner, wood blocking below light, prime the new masonry inside and out at old door opening, and above front windows. If you would like to help, please call Libby Lassiter (205) 937-1790. 

9-11am - OPEN GYM


  1. Cindy 21 plus 4 pullups
    Pr yay

  2. GREAT job, Cori!! I wanna be like you when I grow up! :)

    BINGO! Did Fight Gone Bad, and good googly woogly did that fight go bad! Ugh. Thanks to Coach Drew for helping me slog through. 282 rx

  3. Great job ladies! See u Min. nite.

  4. Sorry I had to miss open gym:( Will be back in two weeks and ready to go! Way to go Cori, Brooke and Jonathan! Those are the only scores I know:)

  5. bah, my first few rounds were probably worst on ROM.
    switched to games style pushups for depth around 7 rounds. and tried, tried, tried to do butt to ankles and open hips all the way after the first few rounds. i was sacrificing speed for form in the beginning...tsk, tsk, tsk, i should know better than that! :)
