
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


7 Rounds for Time of:
7 Power Snatch 95/65
7 Snatch Balance 95/65
7 OHS 95/65

Post time to comments.

CrossFit BINGO - Begins June 3rd!!
Each year, we roll into summer with a month-long Bingo game. On June 3rd, we will roll the Bingo wheel to determine the WOD and the Bingo game will begin. Here's how it works :)

  • THE HOPPER: Each ball in the hopper corresponds to a workout.  When a ball is rolled out, it tells us the workout for the next day.
  • ROLLING: Whoever wins the workout gets the honor of rolling the Bingo wheel to choose the next day's WOD.
  • RE-ROLLING: Winner has the option of re-rolling. If they do not like the 1st workout that comes out of the hopper, they can roll again. Whatever is rolled that time is the WOD. No take backs. (So here is an example.... Puma wins the WOD. He rolls I21-Murph, doesn't want that b/c we just did it, re-rolls and gets B7-Fran. The next day's WOD is Fran.)
  • HOW TO WIN: Earn letters by doing the workouts. Do the daily WOD to earn the letter that corresponds to it. When you have all the letters, B-I-N-G-O, you win a Carport CrossFit t-shirt!!


  1. Nice to have Leigh and Josh with us this morning! Good workout everyone!

    15:53 total time

    This was an air sucker!

  2. hey you guys, there is an event at crossfit trussville this saturday at 8 a.m. benefitting an organization called no longer.
    event details, wod details, and registration are here:

    it will be a judged event, cost effective for registration, and a wod that everyone can do! i would love to go out and participate, but i have to coach open gym. i hope you guys go out and support. let's put carport's name on the map for local competitions!!!!!

  3. What is the difference between a snatch balance and an overhead squat?

  4. Snatch balance is starting with the bar backracked, then pulling yourself down into an ohs position, then standing back up. i Erik try to find a couple of videos and post

  5. Here's a good video that explains:
    If you cannot open this link, simply go to YouTube and look for snatch balance vids

  6. There seems to be a theme here, that was tough! I started with Rx at 65# and completed 2 rounds. I was scared the entire time because of my knee so I took off 10# and completed the last 5 rounds with much better form. I think I finished in 21:57.

  7. My shoulder was a bit tweaky today so I decided to give it a rest day. I think I will try to run this Sat @ open gym though. See y'all Friday.
