2 x 7min AMRAP
50 Double Unders
40 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Toes to bar
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Push Press (115/75)
5 MU
Rest 3 min between AMRAPs.
Begin the second AMRAP the same as you did the first - with 50 DU. Score is total reps. Post score to comments.
"Secret Ingredient for Success" by Camille Sweeny and Josh Godfield, The New York Times.
yes, the first comment
ReplyDeleteI am going to fill in for bill and shane will there spring breaking.
did more the first round than the 2nd ha
Uhm... I pulled a "Sheena" and forgot to set my alarm, or rather, thought it was set... The past 2 weeks has shifted my schedule so much I didn't even open my eyes til about 6 and it was too late... :(
Bill, I like your prediction. This was fun! My shoulder was tight from yesterday's MU practice so I scaled down the WB to 10# and subbed C2B pullups for MU.
DU: 50 UB - yay!
WB: 10/10/10/10
TTB: 10/10/10
BJ: jumped up, stepped down all 20
PP: 10 UB
C2B: 1
DU: 3/47
WB: 10/10/10/10
TTB: 10/5/5/5/5
BJ: jumped up, stepped down all 20
PP: 10 UB
C2B: 4
GoodWOD. That second 7 minutes was rough.
ReplyDeleteDU (which are slowly improving!!!)
10# WB
Toes to rings