
Friday, February 8, 2013


Teams of 2 complete for time:
100 WB (20/14) - hold @ top of pullup
50 Ball Slams (30/20) - hold KB @ top of SDHP (1.5/1)
500 DU - sit in bottom of the squat
Ten % rep limit on all exercises. Mathletes, this means you can do a maximum of 10% of the total required reps for each exercise. Rep limit for each exercise - 10 WB, 5 BS, 50 DU.
Scales: If you cannot hold yourself at the top of the pullup, you may hold the top of the ring row. Each teammate must attempt at least 1 DU on their turn. DU attempts count toward your score. If neither teammate can do DU, then they must complete 500 DU attempts.
Post time to comments.


  1. Team Mimi and Papa had to leave at 6am, after completing only 200 DU's. Drew is determined to help up get du's. We are getting better at them (after a year and a half of cross fit), but they still only come in small groups. So what I am learning is =- you can teach an old dog new tricks; it just takes a while!!

  2. It's not that we couldn't complete 500 DUs but we'd have to pack a lunch.

  3. good WOD-tough-but I messed our team up on DUs,

    we only completed 408 in the 25 minutes. Couldnt get the cadence down.

    Just keep working on them....

  4. today was tough!!

    i enjoyed teaming up with cara to tackle this WOD!

    the DU's were killer! we only got 213 out of 500, but we sure did work for those 213! good job, cara!

  5. This was my first team WOD and it was fun!
    The key to a good team is having at least one member than can count. Thank you Tonya, for being that member!
    I think we got 331 DU's. But who's counting?

  6. Thanks Sheena! I enjoyed partnering up with you too. I struggled quite a bit, but it’ll get better. I’m determined to get the DU’s down soon, so frustrating! Haha

    I’m glad I decided to try CrossFit. The morning crew is awesome…thanks for welcoming me in!!

  7. Good article
    I drank the Kool-Aid too!

    This looks like a touch WOD tonight. Looking forward to trying to tackle it!

  8. tough WOD! Crossfit brain and I am not even at the Carport!

  9. I let Shane down on my DU's...or DU attempts I should write, and that cost us...we were on Drew and Sam's heals!! If every time I said the "s" word under my breath counted we may have gave them a run for their money!! Everyone have a great weekend.

  10. Yes Stacey who is counting? At the end it was more yelling at the jumprope as opposed to actually jumping with it.

  11. Yelling at the jumprope!! Yes that's it exactly. And many of my sentences were entirely composed of one word starting with S...!


  12. Team Jenn/Lib got close but no cigar. about 430 DUs, but Jennifer was awesome!

  13. Team Raulston- 21:45. Whew! That was tough, but fun! Way to go Jennifer and Brooke on those DUs!!!

  14. Awesome job everyone! Love the team WODs.
    10# wall ball, rotated between pull lip hands and ring rows. Only did ring rows twice though. 1 pood BB.

    Libby was an awesome partner!

    Different subject- we have an extra ticket to Billy Elliot at the BJCC concert hall tomorrow night. Free to anyone who wants to go!

  15. Just cruising through here on Monday... 14 min for the Burton sisters? wowowowow...
