
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Max DL

17 minutes to establish Max Deadlift


7 minute AMRAP of
7 Deadlifts, (315/205)
14 Pistol squats
21 Double Unders

Adapted from WOD 130207. Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. Max 225

    Did 155 in the workout 2+31

  2. Kista is kickin it!!!!

    I was very happy with 185#PR
    85 for the WOD 4+22
    Next time we DL...200!

  3. Holy moly ladies! She beasts in the house!

  4. It's all due to our excellent coaches ;)

  5. Excellent morning ladies! Remind me never to pick a fight with Kista! You are cookin with gas young lady.

    265PR 165 in WOD - 2 rounds + 16reps
    Drew missed it but on my first round but I got my first 11 DUs in a row-went downhill from there. Now my derriere glutomous maximuses are killing me!

    BTW - whoopteeedoo on Baby Hill that is on the way! Big time congratulations Drew and Amber!

  6. I think it's time for a Carport Harlem Shake???

  7. uuum. y'all are crazy strong.

    my max was 145#, which is my max from 5 months ago! ugh.

    i think i hate dead lifts with all of my heart.

    WOD: 95# 3+11

  8. Thanks Bill! I'm doing alright with the weights, but I'll pass out on you after a 200m run ;)

    Big congratulations Amber & Drew! Can't wait to meet this little one. What a blessing for your family!!!

  9. Amber,
    What's your MBBW?
    (Max Baby's Birth Weight)
    Are you going to try for a PR?
    Wonderful News!!!

  10. yayyyyyy Carport females! Way to go!! And, way to go Bill on your consecutive double unders! That is a feat in itself! Awesome work everybody!

  11. Note to evening CJs...according to Coach the safest and most efficient way to get a PR on your deadlift is to keep your beyonce in the front 'up' and your beyonce in the back 'down' -

  12. hm.....trying to decipher that....

  13. well 1st of all, Kista, AWESOME job!!! That's mad weight!

    Me I did #385 and did the workout with #275 instead of the #305 designed for RX.

    3 + 11 on the WOD

  14. Dangit Bill! It's too late to change the CJ women's
    Rumpshaker team name to: Once, Twice, Beyonce a lady...

  15. Woo hoo! Way to go ladies- that is some big weight!!! Bill- you will be on the Annie leader board in no time!

  16. DL = 275 - not a pr but stopped at double bodyweight
    WOD = 4+1 Rx
    MBBW = 6.3#, and no, I am not going for a pr there. Also, the longest I have ever stayed pregnant was 37 weeks and would be glad to match that PR.

  17. Amber - after having 9lb 11oz and 9lb 12.6oz babies (no - I did not have diabetes, just BIG babies), I would certainly stick to 6.3# if you could! 37 weeks sounds pretty good too:) When are you due?

  18. tomorrow's wod is....
    Each class is a team. ie - Team 5:15am, Team 6:00am, Team 6:00pm. Each athlete will have their own score. Total of the individual scores is the team score.
    As many reps as possible of:

    1 min clean,
    1 min ring dip
    1 min rest
    1 min thruster,
    1 min pullup
    1 min rest
    1 min snatch
    1 min rest
    1 min c&J
    1 min rest
    1 min DL,
    1 min HSPU
    1 min rest
    1 min wallball

    Men 135#, women 95# - use the same bar for the whole workout (14min wod)
    Score = total reps from all movements.

  19. Well tomorrow looks like a challenge! Finished with 365 on the dead lift and dropped to 275 for the WOD. Ended up with 3 rounds plus 21 reps. Struggled tonight with DU's...again.

  20. I am so bummed to miss that workout. I have a ridiculous meeting in the morning :(
