
Monday, April 16, 2012

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Post loads to comments.

Compare to 110906.

WOD Demo at CrossFit Central London - video [wmv] [mov]


  1. can this be taken from the rack or is it from the ground?

  2. 50lb max for me today, my first day after 101... woo hoo

  3. 75-85-95-105-115-120pr-125m
    Good to have Stacey and Cynthia this a.m. Where were our Annas x 2? Thanks Amber for putting up with us.
    We missed you this morning Cori - don't worry though, Cynthia filled in for Maria. In fact I thought she was fixin to better my pr this morning!

  4. Ha! I didn't understand the "Maria" reference this morning Bill- I must be quicker on the uptake!

  5. Cori's nickname is Maria (as in Sharapova). If she is grunting and gasping that means she's on her game so beware. But if she is yawning....put on your poker face and do some quick WOD negotiating and you can probably slip it past before she catches it. But you can't hesitate otherwise you are toast.

  6. BILL! stop telling my secrets!

    i had to go to the JCC to get the wod in today...macie bug is not cooperating on the wod'ing front. i rowed, then tried to do the wod.

    1000m row (4:04)
    2000m row (9:05)
    1000m row (4:12)
    3 min rest in between each (ugh, i really hate rowing)

    then i did some thrusters. all were from the high hang into a squat clean b/c their plates are smaller/metal and get me out of position in the deadlift.
    65# x 10
    85# x 5
    95# x 3
    105# x 3
    115# x 3
    and i stopped there b/c i wasn't sure what would happen when i got to the point of a miss. i would hate to get kicked out of the JCC due to dropping 125# from overhead. i'll do it again tonight. oh! and i tried to adhere to the standard from regionals last year where you couldn't move your feet or have your heels come off the ground. boy, that's tough to do!!!

  7. Excellent workout! I suppose it would be bad form to send your weights through the floor.
    We are always flexible for sweet Macie.

  8. Sorry I bailed - only managed 3 hours of sleep last night and couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. Robert wants to come by one evening this week for a little intro and baseline so he can be ready to start in May - any day better than the other?

  9. anna - we have another eval coming on thursday at 7:30p. can he come then?

  10. p.s. it would be good to have 2 of them run the intro wod at the same time.

  11. 95-105-115-125-130-135x2-135
    Yahoo!!! Bodyweight thrusters for triples. I am fired up that about being able to thruster men's RX weight. This is the first time I have done heavy thrusters. I was hoping to match my max snatch of 120#, so to get to 135 is wonderful!

  12. Nice job Cori! Sorry Macie isn't cooperating:( Hope to see you in the morning!

  13. 95-105-115-125-135-145-150

  14. 45-55-65-75-85-90-90. Boom! :)

  15. Jonathan -
    Working on form in the beginning, but figured it out eventually.

  16. 45-55-65-75-85(2)-85(0)-75

    85 is my new max, but I only managed 2 in a row.

  17. 95-115-125x2-120
    stopped there. shoulders are tired.

  18. 35-40-45-55-55-45-35
    Way to go Amber!!
