
Saturday, April 28, 2012


Go to the CrossFit Games Leaderboard to follow Amber's and Cori's Regional progress.


  1. 70# 1-arm DB snatches - we done up and done it! Woo hoo!!
    Cori got 4 reps! PR!!
    I got 10 reps and finished my first round. I compete in event 4 this afternoon and Event 5 tomorrow morning.

  2. Way to go Ladies!! Any day with a PR is a great day!! Most excellent.

  3. Congrats to both of you ladies. Love you both. Cori, best effort; no shame in that. Amber, stay in it and kill it.

  4. That is awesome! 4 is amazing Cori! A round Amber? Wow. It's great to be a Carporter!

    1. To complete "1 round" each athlete had to do 10 1-arm DB snatches sprint to a mat and come back to their DB. Sprint was about the same distance as sprinting to At Work Uniforms and back.

  5. So proud of you guys! Y'all are incredible!!

    Spring Scramble 5K PR 24:16.

  6. Nice time Rachel!!! Wow!

    Well, I am completely bummed about my WOD 5 performance. This was the du/snatch ladder: 50 seconds to do 20 DU and make 1 snatch (105, 115, 125, 130, 135,...). My goal was to set a snatch Pr at 125 as my current Pr is 120. I snatched 105. Missed my 1st try at 115, made it the second time I tried but time was up so it was a no rep :(
    I missed 125 back stage so no Pr for me today. I had a quick potty party in the bathroom and came back out to enjoy the rest of the competition. Haha!!

  7. 24th overall!! Woot woot!! Yay!!

    Two years ago I placed 31st so I am super fired up about placing even higher this year.

  8. You ladies are an inspiration!! We love you and are VERY proud of how you represented Carport!!!
