
Monday, December 19, 2011

12 Days of Christmas

Do the workout the same way you would sing the song. On the first day of Christmas, do 1 Rope Climb. On the second day, do 2 OHS, 1 Rope Climb. On the third day do 3 Push Jerks, 2 OHS, 1 Rope Climb. Etc...

On the .... day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me
1 15ft Rope Climb
2 Overhead Squats
3 Push Jerks
4 Hang Cleans
5 Burpees
6 Knees to Elbows
7 Kipping Pullups
8 Plank Hold Push Ups
9 AbMat Situps
10 Jumping Lunges
11 Double Unders
12 Handstand Pushups

Post time to comments.


  1. 24:14 Yah baby!!!! Being able to climb that rope easily made all the difference this year. Learn those foot locks everybody!! It saves your grip. Also, I kept pushing hard after I got ahead of Drew. I did not let myself slow down just b/c I was in the lead.

    2011 = 24:14 (PR by 10min and 19sec)
    2010 = 34:33 (PR by 9min and 1sec)
    2009 = 46:34

  2. 29:2?
    it was my first twelve days of christmas and i am very happy with sub 30!

  3. grades just in:
    4.0 babyyyyyyy!

  4. Go Cori!!!

    10 rounds (had to leave to go to work)at 32:30. I am certain it would have taken me 40-40 min. to complete all 12. I look forward to doing better next Christmas!

  5. You a smart girl, Cori ;)

  6. 2011 = finished 11 rounds up to knees to elbows 40 + who knows what it would have taken to finish! I was whupped.. I'm going to have to lay off the donuts.

    Way to go Cori! We expected nothing less...we knew a 4.0 was coming based on the way you cipher those scores in the mornings.

  7. Well done cori amber and drew. Older man here didn't do so well but lets look at the positives. I didn't puke in the red squares. Caroline has turned into a baking machine and oh I can tell you that I was partaking in cookie sustenance. Gotta drop the 7lbs plus the other 5 before thanksgiving. Going to be a tough road for next 45 days. Then I will be frisky and get injured and the process repeats. Still havin fun though

  8. Fat Cat, you had the best rope climbs of the day!

  9. know that Amber has made it clear who won.:} 27:28 Rx foot locks were hard.
