
Monday, October 24, 2011

Tabata Double-under

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.

Chris Spealler 40. Post Tabata score to comments.

WOD Demo with Chris Spealler and Miranda Oldroyd - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov - Download only]


  1. wow! that was hard!

    score was 15.
    stayed on 20 for 3 rounds.
    then 17 for 3 rounds.
    then had a hard time holding onto 15, but did it.

  2. Gotta work late tonight, boo. See y'all Tues.

  3. sit in the bottom of the squat for an extra minute! :)

  4. 2 in a row first round and my new world record of 3 in a row second round. Had 3 rounds with no doubles so my score is '0'.... a nice round number and easy to remember.

  5. yay bill for 3 in a row!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Fun Wod!
    Score: 26
    My first round I got 41! After that I struggled to maintain 27-30. Obviously fell one shy at 26.

    ANNNDDDD where was Scott at our 8:30 run last night at Ruffner???

  7. Rachel, I was there at the main entrance and saw no cars. Maybe I was at the wrong place? I drove back to the entrance across from the baseball fields and there were no cars as well. O well, maybe another time.

    My score was 7!

  8. Scott! I don't know how you missed us. We waited until about 8:40. There were 4 cars right there past the dead end sign on the way up to the gate of the main entrance. I'm sorry!
    Cori and I are going Friday after the last class.
