
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Post load and time to comments.

Fran (Greg and Annie) [wmv]


  1. Big Dawgs:
    As Rx’d

    Women use 65#’s

    Fran done well is a 3-5 minute workout. This time try choosing a weight that will let you do the workout with good form in that time. (usually intermediate weights are 65-75# for men, and 35-45# for women)

    Use appropriate weight
    sub Beginner Pull ups, Assisted Pull ups or Ring Rows as necessary.

    Scaled WOD courtesy of BrandX.

  2. 4:36rx

    This workout is MUCH easier than Badger.

  3. Proof that I don't cherry-pick WODs = me showing up for Fran.

  4. 6:43 rx

    i was satisfied w/ my wod today! during the warmup we talked a lot about mental performance, and i really tried to stay in the moment instead of thinking how much i had left or what the time on the clock read. i actually didn't look at the clock at all. i also didn't set expectations for myself that were unachievable for my current capacity. although i'd love to do a 4 min fran today, i considered my times on other wods and my capacity for certain movements, and i was thinking i'd be around i was pleasantly surprised!

    i didn't set the barbell down on the thrusters! yay! i spoke it last night and made it true today! my pullups have gotten so much better too! i had the deep lung burn going on after the wod, and i felt the numb/tingling feeling in my extremities in the 15 round which means i pushed. overall, even though i didn't get in the 4 min mark, i would rate my performance a 9/10! maybe that's how we should start doing wods! by rating instead of by time! haha!

    i heart fran! (not really, but i'm reallly trying to start liking the old hag.)

  5. 7:21 rx
    Had good intentions of pushing hard, but man it is tough to pick that bar back up once you set it down. Pumped I got the 21 round of thrusters and pullups unbroken.

  6. Nice job Paul cori ur rather chatty after this WOD. Me on the other hand..... Didn't do it. See all tomorrow. Just
    Got home

  7. Kelly - David Pugh is re-running this RX on Saturday so you can join him. ;)

  8. 6:02 rx but form could have been better.

  9. Heavy FRAN 7:49 45# PU / 145# thuster

  10. kelly - i had a lot to say! :)
