
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

Make one snatch attempt per round.

Kevin Montoya 4:18/1050lbs, Kristan Clever 6:45/1015lbs, Rebecca Voigt 6:23/750lbs, Lindsey Valenzuela 8:32/960lbs.

Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not count missed reps.


  1. did intervals this morning at the gym using the 400m course:
    800m - 4:17 (blah!)
    1200m - 6:07
    800m - 3:59
    1200m - 6:04
    might not be fast to most of our members, but for me, it's progress! :)

    will do the wod tonight with the 5:30p class.

  2. How long did you rest between your intervals Cori?

  3. 8:35/665
    Today was a good DU day for me.

  4. 10:01 1015@145
    D.U. are the biggest goat for me next to a inverted ironcross on the rings. ha

  5. my time was- forever.
    i need to work on my snatches a couple days a week. i can do them, but when in a metcon....ugh.

  6. 9:31 65 lbs. I need to work on my snatches too. And OHS! More stretching, especially with all the running I am doing.
