
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10 min to establish max standing Press


15min AMRAP
5 Push Jerks (use your max Press weight)
10 Toes to Bar

Post score to comments. Score = (max press weight) x (rounds completed)
125# press x 10 rounds = 1250


  1. everyone must have had a late night last night! i, on the other hand, had a very early night and all of the johnsons were asleep by 8:30 p.m.

    max press 85# (grrr...i just can't seem to increase this number)

    9 rounds (last t2b completed and then the time was up)

    score: 765

    then i did 1 jumping mu, followed by 4x400m run with a jmu in b/t each 400m.

    two new goals:
    1. complete the retro run pushing macie the whole way. it will be my first 5k in over a year.
    2. a muscle up by labor day.

    what are YOUR current goals!? post to comments.

  2. And turns out Columbus does have free weights. Missed them the first time

  3. Aaaand I just realized i was supposed to do 15 min instead of 20

  4. nate - good job on your 20 minute amrap! :) do you remember where you were at 15 min? also, good job on max blog posts for time!

  5. 95#, 10rds + 7reps

    95 x 10.47 = 994

  6. congrats to will pugh for getting his first muscle up! yay will!

  7. i guess no one has any goals right now. :(

  8. Yup, muscle up goal down. I think my next goal involves my crossfit total while still running 12 min 2 miles
