Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tabata Thruster

Tabata Thruster, 65/45
On odd-numbered rest intervals, hold at the bottom of the squat. On even-numbered rest intervals, hold with load overhead.


3 max duration L-sits

Post Tabata reps and total L-sit time to comments. WOD courtesy of CrossFit 190622.


Carport Crossfit said...

Dumbbell sub 20/15lb dumbbells. Bodyweight sub: tabata burpees, odd breaks hold bottom of the squat; even breaks hold a plank in the pushup position.

Carport Crossfit said...

From Juan Acevedo @
This is going to be a very long four minutes. It will be hard, and it will burn, but it will make you better. If you have done a tabata of air squats, you know the kind of burn and muscle fatigue you will encounter. If you consider that here, instead of resting we are holding, you will get a better picture of what we are after. The objective is to never put that bar down. The load is secondary to that. Focus on the holds today, not so much in the number of reps, they are a trap. Make sure you are holding a gorgeous squat, and a sublime overhead position. If you focus on this, your thrusters will be better, and hence more efficient. When deciding on a weight imagine you were doing three minutes of unbroken thrusters. Don't be scared, you can do three minutes but maybe not at 65lbs.