Thursday, March 28, 2019

Run, WB, G2S, MU, Run

For time:
Run or Row 1 mile
75 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Ground-to-shoulders, 135/95
15 MU (or 30 C2B pull-ups)
Run or Row 1 mile

Post time to comments. Compare to 9/30/1410/3/17, and 12/17/18.

Pack - Run or Row 1 mile, 75 WB 14/10, 50 G2S 95/65, 30 Pull-ups, Run or Row 1 mile
Pups - 800M, 50 WB, 30 G2S, 20 RR, 800M

1 comment:

Amber said...


1mile Run (8:04)
75 WB 10# (15-15-10-10-10-15)
50 G2S 65# (10-10-10-10-10)
30 pull-ups (lots of breaks)
1mile (17:45-27:30= 9:45)