Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
20min to get the average of 5 working sets of 5 reps Bench Press. To calculate your average load, add up the total of your 5 heaviest sets then divide that total by 5.
4 x 2min AMRAPs with 1 min between AMRAPs
10 goblet squats
10 KBS, 1.5/1
10 Box Jumps, 24/20
Final score = (average load) x (reps). Post average load, reps completed, and final score to comments. Compare to 1/18/17.
4 x 2min AMRAPs with 1 min between AMRAPs
10 goblet squats
10 KBS, 1.5/1
10 Box Jumps, 24/20
Final score = (average load) x (reps). Post average load, reps completed, and final score to comments. Compare to 1/18/17.
98lbs avg. bench press; 35kb, sub step-ups, reps = 181. 98x181 = 17,738
85# bench press
47-50-52-54 reps on the wod. I got more comfortable with the goblet squats each round. Let me clarify, the way i was holding the KB was more comfortable but my legs were on fire.
150(145,145,150,155,155)x142 Rx = 21,300
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