Monday, September 24, 2018

CF Team Series 2 & 3

For time. 10 min time cap. 5-second penalty for every rep not completed within the 10-min time frame.
20 squat cleans, 95/65
20 Squat cleans, 135/95
20 Squat cleans, 155/105

Rest 10 minutes

For time. 10 min time cap. 5-second penalty for every rep not completed within the 10-min time frame.
21-15-9 reps
Deadlifts, 135/95

Post times to comments.

1 comment:

Judy Ranelli said...

I tanked on the squat cleans after 8 reps, so I rode the bike for the remainder of the 10 minutes. hip tendonitis is acting up.
Deadlifts with RX weight and Ring Rows - 5:19.