Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Max Hang Snatch

15 minutes to establish Max Hang Snatch (Compare to 7/3/14 and  4/7/14.)


3 rounds for total points
1 min ME calorie Row (1cal = 1pt)
30 sec rest
1 min ME rope climbs (1climb = 10pts)
30 sec rest
1 min ME Double Under or lateral hops (1du or hop = 1pt)

Beginner rope climbs are worth 2 points. Post load and points to comments.


Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

EMOM for 10 minutes perform one continuous set of the following movements using your max "Bear Complex" load from 6/19/14.
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Back Squat
- Push Press

- then -

For total reps:
Tabata Sit-ups immediately followed by Tabata Pull-ups.

Post load and reps to comments.

Amber said...

I sure have enjoyed working out with everyone this week!

105 Hang Snatch. My footwork was pretty crappy so I stopped there and went back to 85# to work on technique.

Total Reps = 340
Rd1 - 15cal, 4climbs, 59du
Rd2 - 13cal, 4climbs, 60du
Rd3 - 14cal, 3climbs + 2BRC, 65du