Thursday, January 2, 2014

Caroline Hardy
3 rounds for max reps
1 min HSPU
1 min C2B Pullups
1 min Burpees, jump up to touch your pullup bar
1 min SDHP, 95/65
1 min Lateral Hops over bar
1 min Rest

Post reps to comments.


Unknown said...

Great facial expressions from Drew on the picture today.

365 score WODing with Coach Drew and being led by the new morning Coach BK!

Puma said...

That's a pretty serious morning session: Cahalan, Hill and Keen - WOW!

Oatie said...

I agree Puma, that's some major muscle!!

Amber said...

I am SO GLAD I got to workout with the 6:30pm class!!

Hspu 10-9-7
C2B 5-7-7
Burpees 15-10-11
SDHP 11-10-10
Hops 22-30-34
TOTAL = 198 RX

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is:

30 min to establish
5 rep max overhead squat
Max reps Double Unders


Tabata toes-to-bar

Score is max load + DU reps + T2B reps