Friday, December 27, 2013

Thruster, HPC, SDHP

20 min AMRAP of
5 Thrusters, 95/65
7 Hang Power Cleans
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Post rounds and reps to comments. 

Row into the New Year with Carport CrossFit! Starting at midnight 12/31, we will begin a 24-hour continuous row. We will keep one Concept2 rower going for 24 consecutive hours. Completing this will be a team effort and everyone is invited to take part. More details coming soon!


Cori said...

Happy birthday coach Drew!

Cori said...

it was just me and shane again this morning, so i took him through a different training route than usual. we did some double unders for 5 min, then we did 10 min of emom squat cleans x 5. then we did the wod. it was awesome to do a 20 min amrap since we haven't seen them in a while! i swear i haven't sweated that much with it being that cold outside in a long, long, long time! i only used 55# to take care of my back with the sdhp and did 13 rounds plus 12 reps. it was rough going, but much appreciated after the binging that took place on christmas day!

Brooke said...

Happy, happy, HAPPY Birthday Coach! :)

Oatie said...

A VERY Happy Birthday coach Drew!!!!

Sandy said...

Happy birthday, Drew!!!

Unknown said...

Cori hurt me this morning on the Squat Cleans, did 135# and WOD.

10 plus 12 for me RX. SDHP kill me!

Puma said...

Happy Birthday Coach!

Eddie Allen said...

Happy Born Day Drew

Casey said...

Happy Birthday Coach!!!!
Riley and I will see everyone Monday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Coach Drew!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday, Drew!

Judy Ranelli said...

Happy Birthday Drew!

Oatie said...

I did yesterdays WOD since I don't have access to weights up here in the sticks... 33:39 and did 25 pu/squats instead of 20 b/c I couldn't remember how many to do and didn't want to short change myself. Hope all is well w/ everyone!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Coach!