"The Master Chief"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
3 Power Clean - 155 lbs
6 Front Squats - 155 lbs
9 Push Ups
Rest for 1 minute between the 3 minute rounds. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post total rounds completed to comments. Compare to CrossFit Football
hoodeedoode...that thing ate my lunch!
105lbs 50/40/36/36/25=187
>whupitis kicked in about here
Stacey-I'm going to find consolation in a cup of that very smooooth Yergo java - man is that good!
Glad you are enjoying the Yergo...
Pushed the weight to the heavy side for me today..
65# total was 210. I was very happy...
Don't recall exact totals, but I think I did manage to negative split after I dropped off the cliff on the second round.
I was working so hard I was breathing fire-or at least I could see my breath this am, and it wasn't cold!
So now I'm wondering...
Who's Rich Froning?
He's just the guy who won the international Crossfit Games 2 years in a row I think. He looks alot like P when they both have their shirts off. It's easy to get them mixed up.
BTW I negative split but it was the other direction;0)
I walked on the edge of the cliff then plummeted into the ravine in round 3. I loathed (not to be confused with loved) this wod. Anytime we have front squats and pushups in the same wod, i usually have a flash thought of quitting crossfit altogether. This happened about round 3 today.
Rd 1: 3 rds plus 3 (57 reps)
Rd 2: 3 rds (54 reps)
Rd 3: 2 rds plus 10 (46 reps)
rd 4: 2 rds plus 6 (42 reps)
Rd 5: 2 rds plus 3 (39 reps)
Total reps 238
It felt so good to lay on the ground during the pushups...i stayed there a lot it seemed. In round 3 i stared at the bar for a full 30 seconds.
Perception is a funny thing... After the cleans and squats, somehow the pushups felt like "resting". I'll try to remember that when we do a Murph or Cindy... LOL
359..I should leave it at that so y'all think I totally killed this WOD.
But in reality I did a totally modified workout. I tried to do it with really light weight but after 1 front squat my back started giving out and I'd probably still be lying on the floor in the gym when the evening crew arrived if I had kept going.
So I switched to no weights.
-Subbed power cleans with ring rows
-Front squats with air squats
-Pushups as prescribed
But Sandy dominated this workout!
What is Rx for women? Hopefully (I think?) I will finally make it to the gym tonight.
Good one Bill. I'm liking that.
Unlike the fear, fire breathing and loathing I see going on, I would like to do this WOD. Nothing like some serious heavy weight liftin'!!! But, I've got to go to a close friend's son's engagement party so I'll have to enjoy it vicariously through y'all's very descriptive comments! HA
I'll be ding wollied Cori if hearing you say that about a WOD doesn't just make make my day;0). :0} :0/....but even with that you are still at the top of our super-hero list.
If the truth be known the worst part for me this morning was the hand release push ups.
Like Anna said..all I know is that out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Sandy never stopped moving.
P...does the engagement party involve Amish people or tatoos? If it does then we can make it an excused absence, otherwise we'll have to count that as unexcused.
Rich probably would have come to the a.m. class this morning.
The party guest list is comprised exclusively of tattooed Amish people.
You are right about Rich going to the a.m. class. While we look very much alike with our shirts off, I do not share his early morning workout proclivities.
dang...ya'll sure r yoosin sum big werds!
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny!
Looking forward to finally getting back to Carport tonight (even though this loathed WOD may kill me after essentially TWO weeks off!)
See you all tonight with ring and story in tow!
Get outta town Jennifer! That's great. Lookin forward to that story!
P. - absence excused.
I believe. I always believe, but I truly did when Bill AND Cori said it was brutal. Wow. A week off didn't do me any favors either.
Round 1: 3 rounds
Round 2: 2 rounds + 3 (wheels fell off early)
Round 3: 2 rounds
Round 4: 2 rounds
Round 5: 2 rounds + 1 (I think that one clean took all the fight I had in me)
Total- 202
Whew. That was rough. I think the room is still spinning!
I hate I missed this one! Looking forward to getting back to my routine and seeing my carport family.
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