Thursday, February 14, 2013

Back Squat x 5

Ryan "Larkin" Ray Junior
Ryan and Halle Ray are proud to announce the birth of their son, Ryan "Larkin" Ray Junior. Larkin was born at 8:30am on Tuesday morning, February 12, 2013. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and measured 21 inches long.

5X5 High bar Back Squat, heaviest possible. (DEMO VIDEO)

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WLC begins Saturday! Click HERE to register now!

Make daily choices that support your long-term health, life and vitality
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Cori said...

Huge congrats to Ryan and his wife! Your son is beautiful!!! What a great Valentine's gift from God!!!

bill said...

Congratulations Ryan and Halle! A fine looking young boy and and a grand day to celebrate!

bill said...

165lbs...and it wasn't pretty.

Also Sandy and I decided to see what it was like jumping up at 4:52 and out the door at 5:10 (not our choosing but a new record for us)...only to find out Sam got up at like 5:05 and Sheena (the undisputed Champion) hit the floor at 5:08 and both got there about the same time we did. We concede.

Kista said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

1 set @115
4 sets @135

Brooke said...

Congratulations, Ryan and family! What a precious miracle! God is sooooo good! :)

stacey said...

Kista-Awesome. That's some serious weight there!

I did 115# all 5 sets.
Must be something in the water, I woke up a bit on the later side as well... hmmmm

Jennifer said...

Congrats Ryan ans Halle!

Happy Valemtine's Day, y'all!

Puma said...

Congratulations Ryan and Halle! So happy for you and what a Valentine's Day surprise!

Unknown said...

well I worked my way up the ladder to 305#-did 185#, 225#, 255#, 275# on my sets to end with 305#

Max ball slams 15 and TTB 9 in tabata

Unknown said...

also dont know who this is with the baby but congrats!!! Good looking kid...

Oatie said...

Congrats Ryan, good lookin lil dude right there!!!!

sheena said...

hahaha! normally i get up at 5:00 and leave the house at 5:08!

all 5 sets @ 95# and it was tough! i'm blaming it on not having my usual 8 minutes to prepare at home! ;)

stacey said...

You 5:15-ers could normally swing by my place in the am for coffee.. I've been up for a while by then.... ;)

The Raulstons said...

Beautiful baby Ryan and Halle! Congratulations, it is a wonderful ride:)

Eddie Allen said...

Congratulation Ryan and Halle! What a great day to come into the world!

165# and hit 8 TTB in a row for the first time.

Kista said...

Thanks Stacey!

stacey said...

Given the timing of this WOD with arrival of the baby, I guess you could say... Baby got Back!(squat)

Cori said...

tomorrow's wod

Friday - team "gym-maxtics"
Team of 2
Complete as many reps as possible. Only one teammate working at a time.
5min max pull-ups
5min max push-ups
5min max sit-ups
5min max squats

Amber said...

Congratulations Ryan and Halle!

This was my first time to back squat outside of the safety rack. Kinda scary! - like the first time you ride a bike without training wheels. Glad it went well!

165-175-185-195 PR!!

Tabata ball slams/T2B
11/14, 9/9, 9/9, 9/9

The Raulstons said...

Cynthia- 185# max.
Jonathan - 255# max.