Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
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The Overhead Series - Part 1 The Press By Adrian Bozman
Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk tri-panel [wmv]
Get your WODbook today!! On page 18 are the movement instructions you see below and places to record your 1-rep, 3-rep, and 5-rep max loads.
•Stance = Hip width
•Hands just outside the shoulders
•Bar in front, resting on the "rack" or "shelf" created by the shoulders
•Elbows down and in front of the bar; elbows are lower than in the front squat
•Tight midsection
•Closed grip, with thumbs around the bar
•Drive through the heels; keep the whole body rigid; tight belly
•Bar travels straight up to locked out, with active shoulders, directly overhead
•Head accommodates bar (bar path has a straight line)
•To move head out of way of bar path, pull head back - Do not look up
Must say I am SUPER STOKED for Cori & Amber!!
Thanks Oatie!!
yay! thanks oatie!
4x500m row w/ 1 min rest in b/t, then shoulder press
75-80-85-90-95PR-100M-90 (wanted to end on a good note)
then mu skunk work 1/min for 10 min.
shoulder's are very tired now.
but i feel good!
i also wanted to congratulate everyone who participated in the CF open! it was an awesome year and so much fun!!!! if ya'll have a chance, look at the open wod board at the gym and see how many people completed the wods! it is awesome to see!!!! thanks for being such great members!
Cash out-5 rounds + 7 P ups
Cash out - 5 rounds
Hey guys-Rumpshaker packets are at the gym and ready to be picked up. Please make sure you get the correct bag!
Great to see Rachel back!
65-70-75-80-85m-85m-80m. 80 was my max in Dec. Then several 75 and 65s. I figure the only way to get stronger at shoulder press is to.. shoulder press. Cori told me this a long time ago btw.
Cindy 4reps +6sq for the cash-out.
4x500M row
5 rds + 10 squats in Cindy
65-70-75-80m-75-75m-75m - Cynthia
95-105-115-125-135-140m-140 - Jonathan
All of the above are PRs since neither of us have ever shoulder pressed:)
Thanks Judy! ;D
PR @ 70. Previous was 60. Woo!
See y'all. Thursday! Hope it's a good one!
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