At the minute listed on the left, run the distance indicated on the right. Note your finish time for each interval.
0:00 - Run 800M
6:00 - Run 100M
9:00 - Run 100M
12:00 - Run 100M
15:00 - Run 100M
18:00 - Run 100M
21:00 - Run 800M
BURPEES-TO-BABY: 44 burpees!
The Whole Life Challenge isn’t about trying to compete, win, or get it perfect. It’s a practice in making small, personal, incremental changes in your daily life that stick... for days, weeks, months and years to come. USE THE CODE: WLCRYGaNthJH to join the Carport CrossFit WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE and SAVE $5!
2:49 on my 1st 800 then 13s on all 100s and 3:08 on the last 800
I hate I am going to miss this tonight-- I really do but am taking the night off to eat some birthday goodies. It's John's birthday and we have some celebrating to do! If you see him wish him a happy 39th!
Tell John we said Happy Birthday, and to enjoy his goodies!
That's setting the bar quite high Shane.
Happy Birthday John! Now get yourself back to the Carport.
Happy Birthday John Lehman!!!
Good GRACIOUS Shane! That is fast!
My WOD for the day.... water sliding FOR TIME! :)
My 100 m times were much more consistent than the last time we did sprints, so I am happy w/ that. I was 28 sec slower on my 2nd 800 m which isn't too bad in my eyes :-)
tomorrow's wod is:
Weighted Dips 3-3-3-3-3
2 rounds for max reps
1 min Muscle Ups
30 sec Rest
1 min Ball Slam, 30/20
30 sec rest
1 min Toes to Bar
30 sec Rest
Post max load and reps to comments.
Scaled WOD:
Pack - 3pullups, 3 dips = 1 MU
Pups - 3 Ring Rows, 3 Jumping Dips = 1 MU, light slam ball
3:15/:15/:16/3:52- I think. Apparently I hold my breath when I sprint because I keep getting a stitch in my side- guess I need to learn to breathe:)
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